Join us sundays at 10:30 am

The Brainard Children’s Ministry is dedicated to helping families grow together in Christ! 

Our Children’s Ministry provides space for parents to listen to the Sunday sermon while sharing the Gospel directly with kids in a safe environment.

At each Brainard Avenue Baptist Church Sunday service, families are invited to begin by participating in worship and prayer together with our larger church family. Then, volunteer leaders guide children ages three* through second grade to the Children’s Ministry Area. During the second part of the service, children hear Gospel-centered teaching, take part in activities geared especially for their age group, and eat a snack. 

*We generally ask that children be fully toilet-trained in order to attend. If you have younger children and would like to discuss ways for them to be involved in Children's Ministry, contact us!



Children’s Ministry participants hear Bible stories each week told with the help of The Gospel Project curriculum. 

This amazing series takes children on a journey through the entire Bible, week by week, story by story! Crafts, games, and activities are used to illustrate concepts in the stories, and keep participants engaged and having extra fun. Participants are also challenged to memorize a Big Picture Question and a Scripture verse corresponding with each 3-5 week long unit. 

One of the things we love about this is that the age-appropriate presentations go much deeper than quaint retellings of popular stories like Noah’s Ark. Instead, The Gospel Project helps children look for God’s BIG, overarching story in each Biblical account. 

At the end of each lesson, we always ask: what does this teach us about ourselves, and what does this teach us about Jesus and the Gospel?


At Brainard, it is always a priority that Children’s Ministry participants and volunteers remain safe and healthy. 

We maintain a variety of policies and procedures to facilitate safety within the Children’s Ministry. These include volunteer screening through background checks and church membership requirements, ongoing training, and ensuring that at least two adults remain with Children’s Ministry participants at all times. 

For the health and safety of participants and volunteers, we also ask that parents not send their child to Children’s Ministry if the child is currently sick, has recently had a fever, or if they or anyone in their household has Covid-19. 

Join Us

If you're visiting Brainard or are a regular attendee, you are always welcome to join Children’s Ministry!

Before the Sunday service, stop by the Children’s Ministry Area and a volunteer will help you complete the registration process. .