Join us sundays at 10:30 am

Sunday Worship Service

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Every Sunday

10:30am – 12:00pm

Coordinator: Eric Brown

We would love to have you join us this Sunday as we gather as a church family to worship the Lord!

Wondering what it will be like? Following is a summary of what you can expect at our Sunday morning services. 

Corporate Worship

We gather every Sunday morning to sing songs of praise to God, read from Scripture together, pray, affirm historic creeds and confessions, give offerings for the work of gospel ministry, and hear a message preached from a portion of the Bible.

The preaching of God's Word is central to our meeting together. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul reminds Timothy that every word of Scripture has been breathed out by God and is profitable for making God's people mature, equipped for every good work. He then, in the very next verse, charges Timothy to preach the Word. Most of our preaching consists of taking a book of the Bible and working through it section by section.


Singing is also a vital part of worship, for through it we encourage and admonish one another as we sing with thankfulness in our hearts to God. We believe that the church has a rich tradition of writing songs worthy of our attention, from songs written hundreds of years ago to new songs being written in the present. We want to sing songs that are biblically faithful, God-centered, gospel-saturated, easy for all to sing, and that have language and melodies that facilitate singing with all our hearts. We typically sing five to six songs each week, some which are hundreds of years old, and some that have been written in the past decade. Our singing is congregational, which encourages the full and active participation of all present.

More Events

January 26, 2025 9:15am – 10:30am
Sunday Bible Study
January 29, 2025 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting